It certainly is not the "same old thing."
Nonstop Car Deals Car Sales Training gives you not only what you need to do and how to do it but also the "WHY" behind it so you understand the reasons behind your process. Deep understanding of why you are doing what you are doing provides you with a PURPOSE. A purpose that gives you a sense of direction, shapes your goals, and helps you stay focused.
Nonstop Car Deals Car Sales Training also provides you with fresh ideas like thinking about and considering customer's buying process. You know your sales process and the steps to sale but have you stopped and thought about what your customer's buying process is? Does knowing why and how your customers make a buying decision make your job easier?
Do you know how to set up a monthly goal that will keep you motivated every day? You will learn how to do it here.
Having goals and plans to achieve them is great but do you know how to keep track of your progress?
One element of the foundation you need to have is knowing your inventory. When was the last time you lost a deal because you did not know your inventory? Check out the Inventory Explorer at Inventory Explorer will help you stay on top of your inventory. No more losing deals because you don't know your inventory.